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2/27/2020 10:35 AMSharepoint Admin
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​​​An employee opened fire on Wednesday in a brewery complex in the US state of Wisconsin, killing five fellow workers before taking his own life, police said.

The gunman from the city of Milwaukee was identified as a 51-year-old man who died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said.

"There were five individuals who went to work today, just like everybody goes to work, and they thought they were going to go to work, finish their day and return to their families. They didn't - and tragically they never will," Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said.

"It is a horrible, horrible day for the employees here," Barrett told reporters.

"A very rough day for anyone who is close to this situation," he added.  

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Police tweeted that there was no longer an active threat. Authorities did not immediately release details about the shooter or how the shooting unfolded.

President Donald Trump addressed the shooting before speaking at the White House with reporters about steps his administration is taking to combat the coronavirus.

"Our hearts break for them and their loved ones," the president said. "We send our condolences. We’ll be with them, and it’s a terrible thing, a terrible thing."​
2/27/2563Milwaukee mass shooting leaves six people dead including gunman
3/5/2020 1:53 PMSharepoint Admin
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